To all of you who might have thought I had completely abandoned my
blog, you can rest assured that such is not the case. I'm going to use
an old excuse, but it's a true one: I've been busy. In addition to
trying to keep up with normal (whatever
normal is) household events, I've
also been busy with writing endeavors. I just haven't posted anything on
my blog lately. Here's what I have been doing:
* A few days ago I entered the Sweetheart of a Deal Picture Book Contest sponsored by
AKA Literary
Agency. They were taking a total of 51 entries. Ten winners get a
half-hour phone consult with Terrie Wolf about their entries. Wish me
* I also sent in the first page (23 lines) of a picture book for a chance to have it critiqued by
Katie Temean. She will select only one winner, so wish me luck there, as well.

* As mentioned in a previous post from early in 2013, I was a member of
Julie Hedlund's 12 x 12 group. I got a lot out of my membership and decided to sign up again for this year, 2014. As a member, I am entitled to submit stories to select group of agents during the year. I'm getting ready to make by February submission.
* I'm also a member of WOW. The site's founder, Kristen Fulton, hosted a
month-long event in 2013, where the objective was to come up with a new
non-fiction story idea every day for an entire month. That event was very popular, so a
Mini WOW was held February 14-16, 2014. I participated in that, too.
* And,
as mentioned in a previous post from 2013, I participated in
Meg Miller's ReviMo, which stands for Revive Month. I worked on several manuscripts
during that time and I think I improved each one of them. The event was also
so popular, a shortened version, called Mini ReviMo, took place February 15-16, 2014. Again, I worked on some manuscripts that needed a bit of tweaking.
* And, I write lots and lots and lots of book reviews. I might have been remiss about posting reviews on this blog, but I have been busy writing them. You can read my reviews by going to these sites:
KidsReads and
So, you see, I have not been slacking off on my writing; I've just been a bit lazy keeping up with my blog. I will try to do a better job of posting on my blog in the future.