Once again, it's time for Susanna Hill's Annual Halloweensie Contest. I've entered a couple of her other contests, but this is the first time I've tried my hand at writing one for Halloween. She always has some tough guidelines to follow. This time around the story (told in prose or poetic form) had to include the words pumpkin, creak and broomstick, AND it had to be 100 words of less. Yikes!
Here's my entry. After you've read it, I would appreciate it if you would leave a comment. Also, please go back to Susanna's blog and click on the links for the other entries. Thanks!
Tilly sighed when she picked up her broomstick. It creaked
and groaned every time she flew. “I need a new one, but I’m broke. What else
can I use?”
She tried a curtain rod from the window. Too flimsy.
She found a board in the garage. Too heavy and too
splintery. Ouch!
Would her snow shovel, propped beside the pumpkin work?
It did but the shovel end made it too hard to guide.
Tilly cut that off. With a bit of string, she tied some straw
to the handle.