Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do You Twitter?

I know Twitter has been around for some time, but I'm just now really learning the basics of it. I set up an account a year or so ago, but did nothing with it other than post an opening "Tweet". Then, I left the Twitter account alone until recently.

I had the opportunity to participate in a "pitch fest" yesterday's (please see previous post) on Twitter, and I previously participated in another one about two weeks ago. I can see the value of "tweeting" for those events, and to keep in touch with friends and such, but I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work for me as a writer - as a way to promote myself and to connect with fellow writers and those in the publishing industry.

Which brings me to the main purpose for this post. If you're still learning about Twitter, like I am, here's an excellent guide to Twitter, from a writer's perspective. Even though it is geared to writers, there is still a lot of basic info about the Twitter process itself.

The blog is called Inky Girl and it's written by Debbie Ridpath Ohi.

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