In the past few months I have had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a number of great writers, found excellent websites full of writing resources, and been exposed to a whole new language in terms of literary lingo. I was already familiar with words and terms like fiction, nonfiction, literary agents, manuscripts, submission guidelines, synopsis and query letters. But now I have acquired a new vocabulary of terms I had never heard of before. Here they are:
New Words/Terms
Blog Hop - I don't know who came up with this term but it's a good one. The idea is to get new people to

Pitchfest - In this context, a pitch is a very short description of a story you've written. A longer description of a story is called a synopsis, but a very short one is a pitch. You write a short description to pitch your idea to an editor or an agent in an effort to get them interested in reading more. Pitches can very in length. Some I've written were only as long as a tweet (a term used with the program called "Twitter"), which can't be more than 140 characters (including spaces and the "hashtag"), making it very short indeed. Other pitches were up to 35 words, which still isn't very long. These pitches were sent via email, rather than through Twitter. A pitchfest then, is a time frame set aside (a few hours or a day or two) when writes can pitch their ideas to editors/agents in a festive atmosphere (sometimes prizes are given out to participants), hence the term.

New Acronyms

MoP stands for Month of Poetry. According to the website, MoP is "a personal challenge to write one poem every day for the month of January." It's not a competition and there are no judges. You can write what you want. The idea is to inspire you to write poetry as well as to learn more about the art of writing poetry. If your interest lies in writing poetry, or if you'd just like to give it a try, you can get more information by clicking on the above link.
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. According to the website, "NaNoWriMo is an annual (November) novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world. During NaNoWriMo, you write 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. The challenge may be hard, but the logistics are not! Here, let us guide you through ‘em." The event is FREE and you can win prizes for participating (in addition to being motivated to write a novel in 30 days! Find out more about it by clicking on the above link.

Angie Karcher hosts an annual event called RhyPiBoMo
which means Rhyming
Picture Book Month. In You
can find more info at her website.
her own words she explains her Mission Statement:
"My goal is to guide those aspiring to write rhyme and poetry through the
process of learning the craft and offering resources, short lessons, writing
prompts and the wisdom of experienced folks in the business to improve the
quality of rhyme and poetry for children. Participants will need to reference a
different rhyming picture book for each day of the month and make notes on them
throughout the month. 

1 comment:
Nice list with summary, Christine. It's true, new words are popping up. If it weren't for these online groups/forums, I would have never known these.
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