Monday, July 8, 2013

Onward, Forward

Well, my story, A SPECIAL CAKE, didn't make it to the semi-finals. Oh, well. I had fun writing it (and I might be able to recycle it for another, and I've had fun reading the comments from every one who was kind enough to stop by. Now, it's onward, forward, to bigger and better things.

But first -- since the contest post was put up before the Independence Day celebrations, and since I wanted to keep the poem at the top of the blog, I didn't want to post anything until after the contest finalists had been selected. Here, then, is a poem I wrote to honor that special day. It's titled, simply AMERICA.


My country 'tis of thee,
with your purple mountains majesty.
A sweet land of liberty.
- Let freedom ring.


Land of the free.
Where red rockets once glared,
the bombs burst in the air.
- Of thee we sing.


Home of the brave.
Where our fathers died.
Land of the Pilgrim's pride.
- Our hearts take wing.


We pledge allegiance to our flag
And to the republic for which it stands.

One nation, under God.
- Indivisible.


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